Thursday, February 6, 2020

National Transitional Council

A National Transitional Council (NTC) is a body of international law, based on the "a posteriori" creation of a legal concept intended to justify the illegal attack on Libya (the designers certainly did not think that this concept could be turned against them in the service of the People...).

Since its creation at the time of this attack, it has been developed to make it a legitimate tool at the service of the People, under conditions that guarantee its integrity for them.

For it to be legitimate, it must meet a certain number of requirements :

1) It must be proclaimed and officially declared

- Proclamation (read)

- Statement (read)

2) It must comply with certain specific rules (read)

3) It must have a comprehensive program in two parts: the first justifying its existence, the second detailing the program of this Transition, so that everyone knows precisely and safely how the Transition will be managed until a new constitution is drawn up by the people (read)

 There cannot be several NTCs in the same country, so it is naturally the first one "proclaimed and declared" which represents the legitimate authority of the people who note the illegitimacy of its leaders.

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