Thursday, January 27, 2011


Demosophie is a neologism composed of "demos" (people) and "Sophia" (wisdom). This neologism was first recorded in 1990 by Eric Fiorile, author of a book of the same name (not published), registered in the Intellectual Property Institute in Paris. In 2010, he published this book, updated with the help of many free thinkers from around the world in several languages (English Demosophy, Demosophía Spanish).

This book describes the concept of Démosophy as a model of society that, instead of being led by the political oligarchy favored by the system of "republic", would come from the intellectual elite of the country, without any selection by the social situation, so without political parties, no elections of officers. This model would establish leaders selected by studies and by competition, with no powers other than those to implement the guidelines of the supreme authority. The highest authority is exercised directly by the whole people.